Source code for shelmet.filesystem

"""The filesystem module contains utilities for interacting with the file system."""

from contextlib import contextmanager
import errno
import itertools
import os
from pathlib import Path
import random
import re
import shutil
import stat
import string
import typing as t

from .path import walk
from .types import StrPath

    import fcntl
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    fcntl = None  # type: ignore

    from pwd import getpwnam
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    getpwnam = None  # type: ignore

    from grp import getgrnam
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    getgrnam = None  # type: ignore

CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^(?P<who>[ugoa]*)(?P<op>[+\-=])(?P<perm>[ugo]|[rwxst]*)$")
CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_TABLE: t.Dict[str, int] = {
    "ur": stat.S_IRUSR,
    "uw": stat.S_IWUSR,
    "ux": stat.S_IXUSR,
    "us": stat.S_ISUID,
    "gr": stat.S_IRGRP,
    "gw": stat.S_IWGRP,
    "gx": stat.S_IXGRP,
    "gs": stat.S_ISGID,
    "or": stat.S_IROTH,
    "ow": stat.S_IWOTH,
    "ox": stat.S_IXOTH,
    "ot": stat.S_ISVTX,
    "ar": stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH,
    "aw": stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH,
    "ax": stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH,
    "at": stat.S_ISVTX,
    "u": stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_ISUID,
    "g": stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_ISGID,
    "o": stat.S_IRWXO | stat.S_ISVTX,

[docs] def chmod( path: t.Union[StrPath, int], mode: t.Union[str, int], *, follow_symlinks: bool = True, recursive: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Change file or directory permissions using numeric or symbolic modes. The mode can either be an integer, an octal number (e.g. ``0o600``), an octal string (e.g. ``"600"``), or a symbolic permissions string (e.g. ``"u+rw,g=r,o-rwx"``). The symbolic permissions string format is similar to what is accepted by the UNIX command ``chmod``: - Symbolic format: ``[ugoa...][-+=][rwxstugo...][,...]`` - ``[ugoa...]``: Optional zero or more characters that set the user class parameter. - ``u``: user - ``g``: group - ``o``: other - ``a``: all - Defaults to ``a`` when none given - ``[-+=]``: Required operation that modifies the permissions. - ``-``: removes the given permissions - ``+``: adds the given permissions - ``=``: sets the given permissions to what was specified - If ``=`` is used without permissions, then the user class will have all of its permissions removed - ``[rwxstugo...]``: Permissions to modify for the given user classes. - ``r``: Read - ``w``: Write - ``x``: Execute - ``s``: User or Group ID bit - ``t``: Sticky bit - ``u``: User permission bits of the original path mode - ``g``: Group permission bits of the original path mode - ``o``: Other permission bits of the original path mode - Multiple permission clauses are separated with ``,``. Examples:: # Set permissions to 600 using octal number. chmod(path, 0o600) # Set permissions to 600 using octal string. chmod(path, "600") # Set user to read-write, group to read, and remove read-write-execute from other chmod(path, "u=rw,g=r,o-rwx") # Set user, group, and other to read-write chmod(path, "a=rw") # Add execute permission for user, group, and other chmod(path, "+x") # Add user id bit, group id bit, and set sticky bit chmod(path, "u+s,g+s,+t") # Set group permission to same as user chmod(path, "g=u") Args: path: File, directory, or file-descriptor. mode: Permission mode to set. follow_symlinks: Whether to follow symlinks. recursive: Whether to recursively apply permissions to subdirectories and their files. """ if not isinstance(path, int): path = Path(path) if isinstance(mode, str): # Attempt to convert mode from octal string to integer to support values like "640". try: mode = int(mode, 8) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # Store original mode in case recursive=True since symbolic mode can depend on the target's # current mode so we may need a unique mode for each which will have to start with the original. original_mode = mode if isinstance(mode, str): # Process mode as symbolic permissions like "ug=rw,o=r". if isinstance(path, int): path_stat = os.stat(path) else: path_stat = path.stat() mode = _get_symbolic_mode(path_stat.st_mode, mode) os.chmod(path, mode, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) if recursive and isinstance(path, Path) and path.is_dir(): for subpath in walk(path): # Disable recursive option so we can handle all sub-paths from here instead of using # recursive function calls. chmod(subpath, original_mode, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks, recursive=False)
def _get_symbolic_mode(base_mode: int, symbolic_mode: str) -> int: """Return integer mode from a symbolic mode.""" mode = base_mode items = symbolic_mode.split(",") for item in items: match = CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_PATTERN.match(item) if not match: raise ValueError(f"chmod: Unsupported symbolic mode: {symbolic_mode}") who ="who") op ="op") perm ="perm") if not who: who = "a" mask = 0 for who_char, perm_char in itertools.product(who, perm): if perm_char in "ugo": # Permission character is a who-class that we should inherit permissions from. submask = _get_inherited_symbolic_mode(mode, to_who=who_char, from_who=perm_char) else: symbol = who_char + perm_char if symbol not in CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_TABLE: raise ValueError(f"chmod: Unsupported symbolic mode: {symbolic_mode}") submask = CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_TABLE[symbol] mask |= submask if op == "=": # Since we're setting permissions to be equal to the given mode, clear the existing # mode for each "who" so that its permissions will be set to just what was given. mode = _clear_symbolic_mode(mode, who) if op == "-": mode &= ~mask else: # Handles both "=" and "+" operators. mode |= mask return mode def _get_inherited_symbolic_mode(base_mode: int, to_who: str, from_who: str) -> int: """Return integer mode by inheriting the permissions from another symbolic user class.""" mode = 0 for perm_char in "rwxst": from_symbol = from_who + perm_char to_symbol = to_who + perm_char if ( from_symbol in CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_TABLE and to_symbol in CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_TABLE and base_mode & CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_TABLE[from_symbol] ): mode |= CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_TABLE[to_symbol] return mode def _clear_symbolic_mode(mode: int, who: str) -> int: """Return integer mode that has been cleared for a given symbolic user class.""" for who_char, perm_char in itertools.product(who, "rwxst"): symbol = who_char + perm_char if symbol not in CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_TABLE: continue mode &= ~CHMOD_SYMBOLIC_TABLE[who_char + perm_char] return mode
[docs] def chown( path: t.Union[StrPath, int], user: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None, group: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None, *, follow_symlinks: bool = True, recursive: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Change ownership of file or directory to user and/or group. User and group can be a string name or a numeric id. Leave as ``None`` to not change the respective user or group ownership. Args: path: File, directory, or file-descriptor. user: User name or uid to set as owner. Use ``None`` or ``-1`` to not change. group: Group name or gid to set as owner. Use ``None`` or ``-1`` to not change. follow_symlinks: Whether to follow symlinks. recursive: Whether to recursively apply ownership to subdirectories and their files. """ if user in (None, -1) and group in (None, -1): raise ValueError("chown: user and/or group must be set") if user is None: # -1 means don't change it uid = -1 else: uid = _get_uid(user) # type: ignore if uid is None: raise LookupError(f"chown: no such user: {user!r}") if group is None: # -1 means don't change it gid = -1 else: gid = _get_gid(group) # type: ignore if gid is None: raise LookupError(f"chown: no such group: {group!r}") if not isinstance(path, int): path = Path(path) os.chown(path, uid, gid, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) if recursive and isinstance(path, Path) and path.is_dir(): for subpath in walk(path): # Disable recursive option so we can handle all sub-paths from here instead of using # recursive function calls. chown(subpath, uid, gid, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks, recursive=False)
def _get_uid(name: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]]) -> t.Optional[int]: """Return an uid given a user name.""" uid: t.Optional[int] = None if isinstance(name, int): uid = name elif isinstance(name, str): try: uid = getpwnam(name).pw_uid except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): pass return uid def _get_gid(name: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]]) -> t.Optional[int]: """Return a gid given a group name.""" gid: t.Optional[int] = None if isinstance(name, int): gid = name elif isinstance(name, str): try: gid = getgrnam(name).gr_gid except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): pass return gid
[docs] def cp(src: StrPath, dst: StrPath, *, follow_symlinks: bool = True) -> None: """ Copy file or directory to destination. Files are copied atomically by first copying to a temporary file in the same target directory and then renaming the temporary file to its actual filename. Args: src: Source file or directory to copy from. dst: Destination file or directory to copy to. follow_symlinks: When true (the default), symlinks in the source will be dereferenced into the destination. When false, symlinks in the source will be preserved as symlinks in the destination. """ src = Path(src) dst = Path(dst) mkdir(dst.parent) if src.is_dir(): if dst.exists() and not dst.is_dir(): raise FileExistsError( errno.EEXIST, f"Cannot copy {src!r} to {dst!r} since destination is a file" ) if dst.is_dir(): src_dirname = str(src) dst_dirname = str(dst) for src_dir, _dirs, files in os.walk(str(src)): dst_dir = src_dir.replace(src_dirname, dst_dirname, 1) for file in files: src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file) dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file) cp(src_file, dst_file, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) else: def copy_function(_src, _dst): return cp(_src, _dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=not follow_symlinks, copy_function=copy_function) else: if dst.is_dir(): dst = dst / tmp_dst = _candidate_temp_pathname(path=dst, prefix="_") shutil.copy2(src, tmp_dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) try: os.rename(tmp_dst, dst) except OSError: # pragma: no cover rm(tmp_dst) raise
[docs] def dirsync(path: StrPath) -> None: """ Force sync on directory. Args: path: Directory to sync. """ fd =, os.O_RDONLY) try: fsync(fd) finally: os.close(fd)
[docs] @contextmanager def environ( env: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None, *, replace: bool = False ) -> t.Iterator[t.Dict[str, str]]: """ Context manager that updates environment variables with `env` on enter and restores the original environment on exit. Args: env: Environment variables to set. replace: Whether to clear existing environment variables before setting new ones. This fully replaces the existing environment variables so that only `env` are set. Yields: The current environment variables. """ orig_env = os.environ.copy() if replace: os.environ.clear() if env: os.environ.update(env) try: yield os.environ.copy() finally: os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(orig_env)
[docs] def fsync(fd: t.Union[t.IO, int]) -> None: """ Force write of file to disk. The file descriptor will have ``os.fsync()`` (or ``fcntl.fcntl()`` with ``fcntl.F_FULLFSYNC`` if available) called on it. If a file object is passed it, then it will first be flushed before synced. Args: fd: Either file descriptor integer or file object. """ if ( not isinstance(fd, int) and not (hasattr(fd, "fileno") and hasattr(fd, "flush")) or isinstance(fd, bool) ): raise ValueError( f"File descriptor must be a fileno integer or file-like object, not {type(fd)}" ) if isinstance(fd, int): fileno = fd else: fileno = fd.fileno() fd.flush() if hasattr(fcntl, "F_FULLFSYNC"): # pragma: no cover # Necessary for MacOS to do proper fsync: # pylint: disable=no-member fcntl.fcntl(fileno, fcntl.F_FULLFSYNC) # type: ignore else: # pragma: no cover os.fsync(fileno)
[docs] def getdirsize(path: StrPath, pattern: str = "**/*") -> int: """ Return total size of directory's contents. Args: path: Directory to calculate total size of. pattern: Only count files if they match this glob-pattern. Returns: Total size of directory in bytes. """ total_size = 0 for item in Path(path).glob(pattern): if item.is_file(): try: total_size += item.stat().st_size except OSError: # pragma: no cover # File doesn't exist or is inaccessible. pass return total_size
[docs] def mkdir(*paths: StrPath, mode: int = 0o777, exist_ok: bool = True) -> None: """ Recursively create directories in `paths` along with any parent directories that don't already exists. This is like the Unix command ``mkdir -p <path1> <path2> ...``. Args: *paths: Directories to create. mode: Access mode for directories. exist_ok: Whether it's ok or not if the path already exists. When ``True``, a ``FileExistsError`` will be raised. """ for path in paths: os.makedirs(path, mode=mode, exist_ok=exist_ok)
[docs] def mv(src: StrPath, dst: StrPath) -> None: """ Move source file or directory to destination. The move semantics are as follows: - If src and dst are files, then src will be renamed to dst and overwrite dst if it exists. - If src is a file and dst is a directory, then src will be moved under dst. - If src is a directory and dst does not exist, then src will be renamed to dst and any parent directories that don't exist in the dst path will be created. - If src is a directory and dst is a directory and the src's basename does not exist under dst or if it is an empty directory, then src will be moved under dst. - If src is directory and dst is a directory and the src's basename is a non-empty directory under dst, then an ``OSError`` will be raised. - If src and dst reference two difference file-systems, then src will be copied to dst using :func:`.cp` and then deleted at src. Args: src: Source file or directory to move. dst: Destination file or directory to move source to. """ src = Path(src) dst = Path(dst) mkdir(dst.parent) if dst.is_dir(): dst = dst / try: os.rename(src, dst) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EXDEV: # errno.EXDEV means we tried to move from one file-system to another which is not # allowed. In that case, we'll fallback to a copy-and-delete approach instead. tmp_dst = _candidate_temp_pathname(path=dst, prefix="_") try: cp(src, tmp_dst) os.rename(tmp_dst, dst) rm(src) finally: rm(tmp_dst) else: raise
[docs] def rm(*paths: StrPath) -> None: """ Delete files and directories. Note: Deleting non-existent files or directories does not raise an error. Warning: This function is like ``$ rm -rf`` so be careful. To limit the scope of the removal to just files or just directories, use :func:`.rmfile` or :func:`.rmdir` respectively. Args: *paths: Files and/or directories to delete. """ for path in paths: try: try: shutil.rmtree(path) except NotADirectoryError: os.remove(path) except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs] def rmdir(*dirs: StrPath) -> None: """ Delete directories. Note: Deleting non-existent directories does not raise an error. Warning: This function is like calling ``$ rm -rf`` on a directory. To limit the scope of the removal to just files, use :func:`.rmfile`. Args: *dirs: Directories to delete. Raises: NotADirectoryError: When given path is not a directory. """ for path in dirs: try: shutil.rmtree(path) except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs] def rmfile(*files: StrPath) -> None: """ Delete files. Note: Deleting non-existent files does not raise an error. Args: *files: Files to delete. Raises: IsADirectoryError: When given path is a directory. """ for path in files: try: os.remove(path) except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs] def touch(*paths: StrPath) -> None: """ Touch files. Args: *paths: File paths to create. """ for path in paths: path = Path(path) mkdir(path.parent) path.touch()
[docs] @contextmanager def umask(mask: int = 0) -> t.Iterator[None]: """ Context manager that sets the umask to `mask` and restores it on exit. Args: mask: Numeric umask to set. Yields: None """ orig_mask = os.umask(mask) try: yield finally: os.umask(orig_mask)
def _candidate_temp_pathname( path: StrPath = "", prefix: StrPath = "", suffix: StrPath = "", hidden: bool = True ) -> str: """Return random temporary path name that doesn't yet exist.""" tries = 100 for _ in range(tries): filename = Path(_random_name(path=path, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)) if hidden: filename = filename.parent / f".{}" if not filename.exists(): return str(filename) raise FileNotFoundError( errno.ENOENT, f"No usable temporary filename found in {Path(prefix).absolute()}" ) # pragma: no cover def _random_name( path: StrPath = "", prefix: StrPath = "", suffix: StrPath = "", length: int = 8 ) -> str: """Return generated random path name.""" _pid, _random = getattr(_random_name, "_state", (None, None)) if _pid != os.getpid() or not _random: # Ensure separate processes don't share same random generator. _random = random.Random() _random_name._state = (os.getpid(), _random) # type: ignore inner = "".join(_random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(length)) return f"{path}{prefix}{inner}{suffix}"