Source code for shelmet.fileio

"""The fileio module contains utilities for file IO."""

from contextlib import contextmanager
import errno
from functools import partial
import io
import os
from pathlib import Path
import typing as t

from .filesystem import _candidate_temp_pathname, dirsync, fsync, mkdir, rm
from .types import (


[docs] @contextmanager def atomicdir(dir: StrPath, *, skip_sync: bool = False, overwrite: bool = True) -> t.Iterator[Path]: """ Context-manager that is used to atomically create a directory and its contents. This context-manager will create a temporary directory in the same directory as the destination and yield the temporary directory as a ``pathblib.Path`` object. All atomic file system updates to the directory should then be done within the context-manager. Once the context-manager exits, the temporary directory will be passed to :func:`dirsync` (unless ``skip_sync=True``) and then moved to the destination followed by :func:`dirsync` on the parent directory. If the destination directory exists, it will be overwritten unless ``overwrite=False``. Args: dir: Directory path to create. skip_sync: Whether to skip calling :func:`dirsync` on the directory. Skipping this can help with performance at the cost of durability. overwrite: Whether to raise an exception if the destination exists once the directory is to be moved to its destination. """ dst = Path(dir).absolute() if dst.is_file(): raise FileExistsError(errno.EEXIST, f"Atomic directory target must not be a file: {dst}") tmp_dir = _candidate_temp_pathname(path=dst, prefix="_", suffix="_tmp") mkdir(tmp_dir) try: yield Path(tmp_dir) if not skip_sync: dirsync(tmp_dir) if overwrite: rm(dst) elif dst.exists(): raise FileExistsError( errno.EEXIST, f"Atomic directory target must not exist when overwrite disabled: {dst}", ) os.rename(tmp_dir, dst) if not skip_sync: dirsync(dst) finally: # In case something went wrong that prevented moving tmp_dir to dst. rm(tmp_dir)
[docs] @contextmanager def atomicfile( file: StrPath, mode: str = "w", *, skip_sync: bool = False, overwrite: bool = True, **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> t.Iterator[t.IO]: """ Context-manager similar to ``open()`` that is used to perform an atomic file write operation by first writing to a temporary location in the same directory as the destination and then renaming the file to the destination after all write operations are finished. This context-manager will open a temporary file for writing in the same directory as the destination and yield a file object just like ``open()`` does. All file operations while the context-manager is opened will be performed on the temporary file. Once the context-manager exits, the temporary file will flushed and fsync'd (unless ``skip_sync=True``). If the destination file exists, it will be overwritten unless ``overwrite=False``. Args: file: File path to write to. mode: File open mode. skip_sync: Whether to skip calling ``fsync`` on file. Skipping this can help with performance at the cost of durability. overwrite: Whether to raise an exception if the destination file exists once the file is to be written to its destination. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to ``open()`` when creating the temporary write file. """ if isinstance(mode, str) and "x" in mode: raise ValueError( "Atomic file write mode 'x' is not supported. Use 'overwrite=False' instead." ) if not isinstance(mode, str) or "w" not in mode: raise ValueError(f"Invalid atomic write mode: {mode}") dst = Path(file).absolute() if dst.is_dir(): raise IsADirectoryError(errno.EISDIR, f"Atomic file target must not be a directory: {dst}") mkdir(dst.parent) tmp_file = _candidate_temp_pathname(path=dst, prefix="_", suffix=".tmp") try: with open(tmp_file, mode, **open_kwargs) as fp: yield fp if not skip_sync: fsync(fp) if overwrite: os.rename(tmp_file, dst) else: # This will fail if dst exists., dst) rm(tmp_file) if not skip_sync: dirsync(dst.parent) finally: # In case something went wrong that prevented moving tmp_file to dst. rm(tmp_file)
@t.overload def read(file: StrPath, mode: ReadOnlyTextMode, **open_kwargs: t.Any) -> str: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def read(file: StrPath, mode: ReadOnlyBinMode, **open_kwargs: t.Any) -> bytes: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def read(file: StrPath, mode: str = "r", **open_kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Union[str, bytes]: ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def read(file: StrPath, mode: str = "r", **open_kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Union[str, bytes]: """ Return contents of file. Args: file: File to read. mode: File open mode. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``open``. """ if mode not in READ_ONLY_MODES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid read-only mode: {mode}") with open(file, mode, **open_kwargs) as fp: return
[docs] def readbytes(file: StrPath, **open_kwargs: t.Any) -> bytes: """ Return binary contents of file. Equivalent to calling :func:`read` with ``mode="rb"``. Args: file: File to read. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``open``. """ return read(file, "rb", **open_kwargs)
[docs] def readtext(file: StrPath, **open_kwargs: t.Any) -> str: """ Return text contents of file. Equivalent to calling :func:`read` with ``mode="r"`` (the default behavior of :func:`read`). Args: file: File to read. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``open``. """ return read(file, "r", **open_kwargs)
@t.overload def readchunks( file: StrPath, mode: ReadOnlyTextMode, *, size: int = ..., sep: t.Optional[str] = ..., **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def readchunks( file: StrPath, mode: ReadOnlyBinMode, *, size: int = ..., sep: t.Optional[bytes] = ..., **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> t.Generator[bytes, None, None]: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def readchunks( file: StrPath, mode: str = "r", *, size: int = ..., sep: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = ..., **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> t.Generator[t.Union[str, bytes], None, None]: ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def readchunks( file: StrPath, mode: str = "r", *, size: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, sep: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> t.Generator[t.Union[str, bytes], None, None]: """ Yield contents of file as chunks. If separator, `sep`, is not given, chunks will be yielded by `size`. If separator, `sep`, is given, chunks will be yielded from as if from ``contents.split(sep)``. The `size` argument will still be used for each file read operation, but the contents will be buffered until a separator is encountered. Args: file: File to read. mode: File open mode. size: Size of chunks to read from file at a time and chunk size to yield when `sep` not given. sep: Separator to split chunks by in lieu of splitting by size. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``open``. """ if mode not in READ_ONLY_MODES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid read-only mode: {mode}") return _readchunks(file, mode, size=size, sep=sep, **open_kwargs)
def _readchunks(file, mode="r", *, size=DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, sep=None, **open_kwargs): buffer = "" if "b" in mode: buffer = b"" with open(file, mode, **open_kwargs) as fp: try: while True: chunk = if not chunk: # We're done with the file but if we have anything in the buffer, yield it. if buffer: yield buffer break elif not sep: # Yield chunks delineated by size. yield chunk else: buffer += chunk # Yield chunks delineated by separator. while sep in buffer: chunk, buffer = buffer.split(sep, 1) yield chunk except GeneratorExit: # pragma: no cover # Catch GeneratorExit to ensure contextmanager closes file when exiting generator early. pass @t.overload def readlines( file: StrPath, mode: ReadOnlyTextMode, *, limit: int = ..., **open_kwargs: t.Any ) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def readlines( file: StrPath, mode: ReadOnlyBinMode, *, limit: int = ..., **open_kwargs: t.Any ) -> t.Generator[bytes, None, None]: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def readlines( file: StrPath, mode: str = "r", *, limit: int = ..., **open_kwargs: t.Any ) -> t.Generator[t.Union[str, bytes], None, None]: ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def readlines( file: StrPath, mode: str = "r", *, limit: int = -1, **open_kwargs: t.Any ) -> t.Generator[t.Union[str, bytes], None, None]: """ Yield each line of a file. Note: Line-endings are included in the yielded values. Args: file: File to read. mode: File open mode. limit: Maximum length of each line to yield. For example, ``limit=10`` will yield the first 10 characters of each line. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``open``. """ if mode not in READ_ONLY_MODES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid read-only mode: {mode}") return _readlines(file, mode, limit=limit, **open_kwargs)
def _readlines(file, mode="r", *, limit=-1, **open_kwargs): sentinel = "" if "b" in mode: sentinel = b"" with open(file, mode, **open_kwargs) as fp: try: yield from iter(lambda: fp.readline(limit), sentinel) except GeneratorExit: # pragma: no cover # Catch GeneratorExit to ensure contextmanager closes file when exiting generator early. pass @t.overload def write( file: StrPath, contents: str, mode: WriteOnlyTextMode, *, atomic: bool = ..., **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def write( file: StrPath, contents: bytes, mode: WriteOnlyBinMode, *, atomic: bool = ..., **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def write( file: StrPath, contents: t.Union[str, bytes], mode: str = "w", *, atomic: bool = ..., **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def write( file: StrPath, contents: t.Union[str, bytes], mode: str = "w", *, atomic: bool = False, **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: """ Write contents to file. Args: file: File to write. contents: Contents to write. mode: File open mode. atomic: Whether to write the file to a temporary location in the same directory before moving it to the destination. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``open``. """ if mode not in WRITE_ONLY_MODES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid write-only mode: {mode}") opener = open if atomic: overwrite = "x" not in mode mode = mode.replace("x", "w") opener = partial(atomicfile, overwrite=overwrite) # type: ignore with opener(file, mode, **open_kwargs) as fp: fp.write(contents)
[docs] def writetext( file: StrPath, contents: str, mode: str = "w", *, atomic: bool = False, **open_kwargs: t.Any ) -> None: """ Write text contents to file. Args: file: File to write. contents: Contents to write. mode: File open mode. atomic: Whether to write the file to a temporary location in the same directory before moving it to the destination. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``open``. """ if mode not in WRITE_ONLY_TEXT_MODES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid write-only text-mode: {mode}") write(file, contents, mode, atomic=atomic, **open_kwargs)
[docs] def writebytes( file: StrPath, contents: bytes, mode: str = "wb", *, atomic: bool = False, **open_kwargs: t.Any ) -> None: """ Write binary contents to file. Args: file: File to write. contents: Contents to write. mode: File open mode. atomic: Whether to write the file to a temporary location in the same directory before moving it to the destination. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``open``. """ if mode not in WRITE_ONLY_BIN_MODES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid write-only binary-mode: {mode}") write(file, contents, mode, atomic=atomic, **open_kwargs)
@t.overload def writelines( file: StrPath, items: t.Iterable[str], mode: WriteOnlyTextMode, *, ending: t.Optional[str] = None, atomic: bool = False, **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def writelines( file: StrPath, items: t.Iterable[bytes], mode: WriteOnlyBinMode, *, ending: t.Optional[bytes] = None, atomic: bool = False, **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover @t.overload def writelines( file: StrPath, items: t.Union[t.Iterable[str], t.Iterable[bytes]], mode: str = "w", *, ending: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, atomic: bool = False, **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def writelines( file: StrPath, items: t.Union[t.Iterable[str], t.Iterable[bytes]], mode: str = "w", *, ending: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, atomic: bool = False, **open_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: """ Write lines to file. Args: file: File to write. items: Items to write. mode: File open mode. ending: Line ending to use. Defaults to newline. atomic: Whether to write the file to a temporary location in the same directory before moving it to the destination. **open_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``open``. """ if mode not in WRITE_ONLY_MODES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid write-only mode: {mode}") if ending is None: ending = "\n" if "b" in mode: ending = b"\n" opener = open if atomic: overwrite = "x" not in mode mode = mode.replace("x", "w") opener = partial(atomicfile, overwrite=overwrite) # type: ignore lines = (item + ending for item in items) # type: ignore with opener(file, mode, **open_kwargs) as fp: fp.writelines(lines)