Source code for shelmet.command

"""The command module contains utilities for working with subprocess commands."""

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import typing as t
from typing import Iterable

from .types import RunArgs, StdFile, StrPath

[docs] class Command: """ A system command that can be executed multiple times and used to create piped commands. Executing the command is done using :meth:`run` which is a wrapper around ````. However, the default arguments for a :class:`Command` enable different default behavior than ````: - Output is captured - Text-mode is enabled - Environment variables extend ``os.environ`` instead of replacing them. - Exceptions are raised by default when the completed process returns a non-zero exit code. - System command arguments can be passed as a var-args instead of just a list. To disable output capture completely, use ``capture_output=False``. To disable output capture for just one of them, set ``stdout`` or ``stderr`` to ``None``. To disable ``os.environ`` extension, use ``replace_env=True``. To disable exception raising, use ``check=False``. Therefore, to use the default behavior of ````, set the following keyword arguments: :: ls = Command(["ls", "-la"], capture_output=False, text=False, check=False, replace_env=True) Args: *args: System command arguments to execute. If ``None`` is given as an argument value, it will be discarded. stdin: Specify the executed command’s standard input. input: If given it will be passed to the underlying process as stdin. When used, stdin will be set to ``PIPE`` automatically and cannot be used. The value will be encoded or decoded automatically if it does not match the expected type based on whether text-mode is enabled or not. stdout: Specify the executed command’s standard output. stderr: Specify the executed command’s standard error. capture_output: Whether to capture stdout and stderr and include in the returned completed process result. combine_output: Whether to combine stdout and stderr. Equilvalent to setting ``stderr=subprocess.STDOUT``. cwd: Set the current working directory when executing the command. timeout: If the timeout expires, the child process will be killed and waited for. check: Whether to check return code and raise if it is non-zero. encoding: Set encoding to use for text-mode. errors: Specify how encoding and decoding errors should be handled. Must be one of "strict", "ignore", "replace", "backslashreplace", "xmlcharrefreplace", "namereplace" text: Set text-mode. env: Environment variables for the new process. Unlike in ````, the default behavior is to extend the existing environment. Use ``replace_env=True`` to replace the environment variables instead. replace_env: Whether to replace the current environment when `env` given. Keyword Args: All other keyword arguments are passed to ```` which subsequently passes them to ``subprocess.Popen``. """ def __init__( self, *args: RunArgs, stdin: t.Optional[StdFile] = None, input: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, stderr: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, capture_output: bool = True, combine_output: bool = False, cwd: t.Optional[StrPath] = None, timeout: t.Optional[t.Union[float, int]] = None, check: bool = True, encoding: t.Optional[str] = None, errors: t.Optional[str] = None, text: bool = True, env: t.Optional[dict] = None, replace_env: bool = False, parent: t.Optional["ChainCommand"] = None, **popen_kwargs: t.Any, ): run_args = _parse_run_args(args, error_prefix=f"{self.__class__.__name__}(): ") if input is not None: # Coerce input based on text mode setting. if text and isinstance(input, bytes): input = input.decode() elif not text and isinstance(input, str): input = input.encode() if not capture_output: stdout = None stderr = None if combine_output: stderr = subprocess.STDOUT self.args = run_args self.stdin = stdin self.input = input self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.capture_output = capture_output self.combine_output = combine_output self.cwd = cwd self.timeout = timeout self.check = check self.encoding = encoding self.errors = errors self.text = text self.env = env self.replace_env = replace_env self.popen_kwargs = popen_kwargs self.parent = parent @property def parents(self) -> t.List["ChainCommand"]: """Return list of parent :class:`Command` objects that pipe output into this command.""" parents = [] if self.parent: grand_parents = self.parent.command.parents if grand_parents: parents.extend(grand_parents) parents.append(self.parent) return parents @property def shell_cmd(self) -> str: """Return string version of command that would be used when executing from a shell.""" cmd = " ".join( shlex.quote(arg.decode() if isinstance(arg, bytes) else arg) for arg in self.args ) if self.parent: cmd = f"{self.parent.shell_cmd} {cmd}" return cmd def __repr__(self) -> str: kv_items: t.List[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]] = [("args", self.args)] parents = self.parents if parents: repr_parents = ", ".join(repr(parent) for parent in self.parents) kv_items.append(("parents", f"[{repr_parents}]")) kv_out = ", ".join(f"{key}={value}" for key, value in kv_items) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({kv_out})" @classmethod def from_command(cls, command, *extra_args: RunArgs, **override_kwargs: t.Any) -> "Command": run_args = command.args if extra_args: run_args = run_args + _parse_run_args( extra_args, error_prefix=f"{cls.__name__}.run(): " ) override_kwargs.setdefault("input", command.input) override_kwargs.setdefault("stdin", command.stdin) override_kwargs.setdefault("stdout", command.stdout) override_kwargs.setdefault("stderr", command.stderr) override_kwargs.setdefault("capture_output", command.capture_output) override_kwargs.setdefault("combine_output", command.combine_output) override_kwargs.setdefault("cwd", command.cwd) override_kwargs.setdefault("timeout", command.timeout) override_kwargs.setdefault("check", command.check) override_kwargs.setdefault("encoding", command.encoding) override_kwargs.setdefault("errors", command.errors) override_kwargs.setdefault("text", command.text) override_kwargs.setdefault("env", command.env) override_kwargs.setdefault("replace_env", command.replace_env) override_kwargs.update(command.popen_kwargs) return cls(*run_args, **override_kwargs)
[docs] def pipe( self, *args: RunArgs, stdin: t.Optional[StdFile] = None, input: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, stderr: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, capture_output: bool = True, combine_output: bool = False, cwd: t.Optional[StrPath] = None, timeout: t.Optional[t.Union[float, int]] = None, check: bool = True, encoding: t.Optional[str] = None, errors: t.Optional[str] = None, text: bool = True, env: t.Optional[dict] = None, replace_env: bool = False, **popen_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> "Command": """ Return a new command whose input will be piped from the output of this command. This is like running "<this-command> | <next-command>". """ return self.__class__( *args, stdin=stdin, input=input, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, capture_output=capture_output, combine_output=combine_output, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout, check=check, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, text=text, env=env, replace_env=replace_env, parent=PipeCommand(self), **popen_kwargs, )
[docs] def after( self, *args: RunArgs, stdin: t.Optional[StdFile] = None, input: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, stderr: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, capture_output: bool = True, combine_output: bool = False, cwd: t.Optional[StrPath] = None, timeout: t.Optional[t.Union[float, int]] = None, check: bool = True, encoding: t.Optional[str] = None, errors: t.Optional[str] = None, text: bool = True, env: t.Optional[dict] = None, replace_env: bool = False, **popen_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> "Command": """ Return a new command that will be executed after this command regardless of this command's return code. This is like running "<this-command> ; <next-command>". """ return self.__class__( *args, stdin=stdin, input=input, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, capture_output=capture_output, combine_output=combine_output, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout, check=check, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, text=text, env=env, replace_env=replace_env, parent=AfterCommand(self), **popen_kwargs, )
[docs] def and_( self, *args: RunArgs, stdin: t.Optional[StdFile] = None, input: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, stderr: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, capture_output: bool = True, combine_output: bool = False, cwd: t.Optional[StrPath] = None, timeout: t.Optional[t.Union[float, int]] = None, check: bool = True, encoding: t.Optional[str] = None, errors: t.Optional[str] = None, text: bool = True, env: t.Optional[dict] = None, replace_env: bool = False, **popen_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> "Command": """ Return a new command that will be AND'd with this command. This is like running "<this-command> && <next-command>". """ return self.__class__( *args, stdin=stdin, input=input, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, capture_output=capture_output, combine_output=combine_output, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout, check=check, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, text=text, env=env, replace_env=replace_env, parent=AndCommand(self), **popen_kwargs, )
[docs] def or_( self, *args: RunArgs, stdin: t.Optional[StdFile] = None, input: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, stderr: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, capture_output: bool = True, combine_output: bool = False, cwd: t.Optional[StrPath] = None, timeout: t.Optional[t.Union[float, int]] = None, check: bool = True, encoding: t.Optional[str] = None, errors: t.Optional[str] = None, text: bool = True, env: t.Optional[dict] = None, replace_env: bool = False, **popen_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> "Command": """ Return a new command that will be OR'd with this command. This is like running "<this-command> || <next-command>". """ return self.__class__( *args, stdin=stdin, input=input, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, capture_output=capture_output, combine_output=combine_output, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout, check=check, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, text=text, env=env, replace_env=replace_env, parent=OrCommand(self), **popen_kwargs, )
[docs] def run(self, *extra_args: RunArgs, **override_kwargs: t.Any) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """ Wrapper around ```` that uses this class' arguments as defaults. To add additional command args to :attr:`args`, pass them as var-args. To override default keyword arguments, pass them as keyword-args. If :attr:`parent` is set (e.g. if this command was created with :meth:`pipe`, :meth:`after`, :meth:`and_`, or :meth:`or_`), then the parent command will be called first and then chained with this command. Args: *extra_args: Extend :attr:`args` with extra command arguments. **override_kwargs: Override this command's keyword arguments. """ if extra_args or override_kwargs or self.parent: command = self.from_command(self, *extra_args, **override_kwargs) else: command = self if self.parent: result = else: result = command._run() return result
def _run(self): if self.env and not self.replace_env: env = {**os.environ, **self.env} else: env = self.env return self.args, stdin=self.stdin, input=self.input, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr, cwd=self.cwd, timeout=self.timeout, check=self.check, encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors, universal_newlines=self.text, # NOTE: "text" argument doesn't exist in Python 3.6. env=env, **self.popen_kwargs, )
class ChainCommand(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for representing a chained command. The class is initialized with a parent command that will be called before the next command in the chain. The next command will be passed into the :meth:`run` method. Each subclass is responsible for implementing the :meth:`run` logic. """ def __init__(self, command: Command): self.command = command def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(args={self.command.args})" @property def shell_cmd(self): return f"{self.command.shell_cmd} {self.separator}" @property @abstractmethod def separator(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover # The separator is used for representational purposes only in `shell_cmd`. pass @abstractmethod def run(self, next_command: Command) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: # pragma: no cover # The primary logic that runs the parent command followed by the next command if applicable. pass class AfterCommand(ChainCommand): """ Chained command that runs one command after another regardless of the first command's return code. This is like the shell equivalent of "<cmd1> ; <cmd2>". """ separator = ";" def run(self, next_command: Command): """Run `next_command` after :attr:`command`.""" try: except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass return class PipeCommand(ChainCommand): """ Chained command that pipes the output of one command into the input of another. This is like the shell equivalent of "<cmd1> | <cmd2>". """ separator = "|" def run(self, next_command: Command) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """Pipe :attr:`command` into `next_command`.""" result: t.Union[subprocess.CompletedProcess, subprocess.CalledProcessError] try: result = except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: result = exc return, stdin=None) class AndCommand(ChainCommand): """ Chained command that runs one command after the other if the first command succeeds. This is like the shell equivalent of "<cmd1> | <cmd2>". """ separator = "&&" def run(self, next_command: Command) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """Run `next_command` after :attr:`command` if :attr:`command` succeeds.""" result = if result.returncode == 0: result = return result class OrCommand(ChainCommand): """ Chained command that runs one command after the other if the first command fails. This is like the shell equivalent of "<cmd1> | <cmd2>". """ separator = "||" def run(self, next_command: Command) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """Run `next_command` after :attr:`command` if :attr:`command` fails.""" try: result = except subprocess.CalledProcessError: failed = True else: failed = result.returncode != 0 if failed: result = return result def _parse_run_args(args: tuple, error_prefix: str = "run(): ") -> t.List[t.Union[str, bytes]]: good_args = [] bad_args = [] for arg in _flatten(args): if arg is None: # Ignore None values. continue elif isinstance(arg, (str, bytes)): good_args.append(arg) else: bad_args.append(arg) if bad_args: raise TypeError( f"{error_prefix}requires all positional arguments to be either string or bytes, not" f" {bad_args}" ) if not good_args: raise TypeError(f"{error_prefix}requires at least one non-empty positional argument") return good_args def _flatten(items: t.Iterable) -> t.Generator[t.Any, None, None]: for item in items: if isinstance(item, Iterable) and not isinstance(item, (str, bytes)): yield from item else: yield item
[docs] def cmd( *args: RunArgs, stdin: t.Optional[StdFile] = None, input: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, stderr: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, capture_output: bool = True, combine_output: bool = False, cwd: t.Optional[StrPath] = None, timeout: t.Optional[t.Union[float, int]] = None, check: bool = True, encoding: t.Optional[str] = None, errors: t.Optional[str] = None, text: bool = True, env: t.Optional[dict] = None, replace_env: bool = False, **popen_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> Command: """ Factory that returns an instance of :class:`.Command` initialized with the given arguments. See Also: :class:`.Command` for description of arguments. """ return Command( *args, stdin=stdin, input=input, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, capture_output=capture_output, combine_output=combine_output, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout, check=check, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, text=text, env=env, replace_env=replace_env, **popen_kwargs, )
[docs] def run( *args: RunArgs, stdin: t.Optional[StdFile] = None, input: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, stderr: t.Optional[StdFile] = subprocess.PIPE, capture_output: bool = True, combine_output: bool = False, cwd: t.Optional[StrPath] = None, timeout: t.Optional[t.Union[float, int]] = None, check: bool = True, encoding: t.Optional[str] = None, errors: t.Optional[str] = None, text: bool = True, env: t.Optional[dict] = None, replace_env: bool = False, **popen_kwargs: t.Any, ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """ Convenience function-wrapper around :meth:``. Using this function is equivalent to: :: result = sh.cmd(*args, **kwargs).run() See Also: :class:`.Command` for description of arguments. """ cmd = Command( *args, stdin=stdin, input=input, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, capture_output=capture_output, combine_output=combine_output, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout, check=check, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, text=text, env=env, replace_env=replace_env, **popen_kwargs, ) return